
Saturday 31 March 2018


Hey guys,

Its been a while away from this space and I sure did miss blogging for a bit. Quite a lot has happened in the past few weeks and I must say, its been quite Overwhelming but thanks to the Holiday. I get to spend Easter for the first time in a long time, in a different city and all by my GRACED self. Quite an experience I tell you!.

As much as I love the feeling of not having to wake up early to work, making and having breakfast in bed, going to the beach, catching up with friends, family and all that I've missed in the first quarter of the year, I'd like to say I find myself struggling to keep my focus on the reality that the Holidays are also the Holy-days.

Worship Days
 I usually start off pretty well the Sunday before Easter, with the desire to be intentionally aware of the significance of the events we are celebrating this week. By Monday morning, my life quickly hijacks my reflective, worshipful posture. Instead, I am carried away by the tyranny of the urgent, overwhelmed by work and caring for loved ones, chasing success, setting goals and slogging through projects. Maybe you can relate. You are right there with me, against your best efforts, you have lost sight of the significance of this week and this day tomorrow (Easter), here are a few things I'm doing to combat the spiritual drift.

- Prepare Your Heart

Easter isn't just a religious holiday; it is the reflection of God's love and a celebration of his Resurrection. Understanding the depth of God's love requires a deep connection with him through my heart. Giving him my mind isn't enough, He wants my very essence, the secret part of me that makes me who I am. He wants my motivations, my emotions, my hopes and fears. And so, in the midst of my day's activities, I'd pause, take a few minutes to think about Christ and all he went through for me, Id think about the cross and how he stood in the Gap for me. Id also spend some time, reading about his crucifixion and Resurrection, that way, my heart stays set, ready to receive the risen Savior.

- Worship

I love love love to worship, its like medicine to my soul and it works like magic. Thing about worship is that it is very personal. No one can worship for you but you. So this Easter, I'd be getting really personal with Christ by spending quality time in his presence, worshiping and appreciating his love and sacrifices for me. I'd be doing this by listening to gospel songs, meditating on the words of God and attending worship concerts. Being a part of a group of believers is one really important way I can break myself out of the pattern of my life which keeps me self focused and inward looking. I find that gathering with other Christians to remember the death of Jesus changes my heart from being casual about the crucifixion and instead, become deeply moved by Christ's suffering.

- Share the Resurrection with someone 

Above all, Easter is about the new life that Jesus offers us. There is nothing more special than seeing someone experience that reality for the first time and by themselves. What better day to invite a friend to church than Easter Sunday? I'd be glad to invite a friend to church this Easter and I hope you can do the same too. Remember, there's always love in sharing, even better, sharing in God's love.

I hope you enjoy your Easter Celebration this year and until next time.

 Much love and Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter dear one.

  2. I hope you had a lovely Easter... I think it would be great to be away from the hustle and bustle of work when spiritual days happen, so it would give me more time to reflect on the real reason we are living this life... This was a good post to remind us of what is really important xox

    I too have been away from blogging but I am back now and it feels good to be writing again... especially great to be catching up with everyone xox
