Monday 22 February 2016

Hey guys,

I hope the week started off great? I did have one of the most beautiful weekends last week, and as much as I'd like to gist you guys, I'd rather save it for later. Or better still, talk about something different today.

So I wrote a poem a few weeks back, but I had no tittle for it. Two days ago, I stumbled on this picture amongst the ones I took on my day out to the park, and it inspired the tittle of this post. I hope you enjoy it. Please also let me know what you think.

If wishes were horses,
I'd have the best stories,
Some of those fairy.....
Tales with a happy ending.

If wishes were horses,
The moon would be blue
Then I'd find me a boo..
With just the perfect bloom

If wishes were horses,
There would be no pain
And the world would be,
Just a better place.

If wishes were horses
I'd give some pennies
In exchange for the worries
Or a sudden burry..

But wishes aren't horses.
So tales aren't fairy,
Happy endings do happen
But once in a blue moon.

But wishes aren't horses
So pain would be in cursive
life would be no bed..
Certainly not of roses

But wishes aren't horses
So worries have no boundaries
A penny can get you berries
But certainly not the merry.

- poem by Sophie Audu.


  1. Really nice poem..

  2. Sophie, it is a lovely poem... these are nice wishes... but always we have to have the opposite side to appreciate the good xox

  3. I admire your creativity and style of writing.. Keep flying soph.


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