Saturday 18 July 2015

A breath of fresh air is;

Having something that seems like 3 weeks away from work

Knowing that you dont have to bother with the freaking alarms and the stress of having to sort out what to wear each morning.

Lying in the arms of mom, as she strokes my fevered head and comforts my troubled mind

Having a conversation with someone new and knowing my smile is genuine all through and even minutes after

Cathing up with old freinds and making up for the busy times

Reading a good book, a book that keeps my toes tingling with excitement.

A trip away from the chaos and to the serenity of life

Pictures that say a thousand words that move my heart in the direction of my head. pictures that capture the moments my hearts eyes have seen and remained opened for. pictures that in one glance, sums up what my life used to be about, giving me a reason to be thankful for the now that I have

Music...music that transports the soul to thousands of miles beyond where the body dares

Spending and knowing l deserve to, no guilt, no surrender...bliss!

Stepping out of the spa, feeling all refreshed and rejuvenated

Basking in a little fantasy

God's word breathed upon me and most importantly,

Eating like no one is watching..

Have a blessed week..:)


  1. That's all I need at the moment... "a breath of fresh air".
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. This really encouraging and i love what you are actually doing here.


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