Thursday 21 April 2016

Hey guys,

Its been exactly a month since I got on here and as I write this down, I officially put an end to my long hiatus.I must say, it was a much needed break. 

Asides being literally fagged out from work almost every night, I had to deal with a few personal issues, travelled a couple of times for different reasons and ofcos, had a couple of responsibilities to take care of. I did however, find time to respond to the few emails that were sent in with regards to my absence and a few previous posts. Thank you again to those who emailed and sent in their messages. I really do appreciate you all. 

The very typical me would have struggled to put up a post or more in the past month, despite the number of things I had to deal with, the stress from work and the responsibilities I was faced with. But for once, I decided to take a break. And guess what!..I learnt 5 things from taking the break. 


Most people think taking a break is wasteful but in actual sense, it is very useful. Sometimes we get so consumed trying to do a whole lot at the same time, and then, we end up not getting the best results. Blogging is lots of fun I must agree, but it can also be pretty time consuming sometimes. From writing new posts to engaging with readers, it sometimes feels like there aren't enough hours in the day. Taking a break sometimes can help boost your enthusiasm, increase your creativity, that way quality is placed over quantity with regards to your posts. 


Family bonds, elusive love, friendships, fellowship, proper exercise, self improvement, healthy diet, adventure..the list could go on when it comes to life but guess what? We focus on one thing because we feel every other thing would certainly come through it. I usually find myself getting so consumed with work sometimes, that it feels like all I live to do is work. And though I need to earn a living, I never really get the time to live in the first place. During the break however, I decided to take time out to travel, spent some time with family and friends, did some exercises and more fellowship. It felt really different, and that made me realise how much I had neglected the most important things in life - Joy and fufilment which can never really be bought with money. 


Your WHY in life. Your ultimate purpose. Your deepest love that drives you. All of these are important as they inspire you all the time.
Sadly, a lot of us forget about them all the time as we get caught up in life. Shit is always getting in the way.
You’ll need to take a break and remember your roots 


Confession: I have 5 posts sitting in my drafts now that I need to edit and I am dreading it because once I start, I sometimes cant stop. I'll agonise over a sentence for longer than necessary, re-read it until I am sure I haven't offended anyone, worry so much about what people will think about the post, that I end up not publishing it. Sometimes, it could be that I am not as inspired or motivated to start or complete a post but yet, I spend so much time trying to come up with something just to be consistent and on time with my posts. My point is, no matter how good you think you are at something, you can never be perfect. And sometimes, you need to understand that a little break could help inspire you or rekindle your creative spark, that way, you'll be able to come up with a better content.


I have nothing but heartfelt thanks to my readers who bothered to write in and give me their well wishes when they noticed my unannounced absence. Thank you so much, for real.
The people who care will be the same ones who wonder where you’ve gone.
Don’t lose these people.

Have you ever taken a break from blogging?

1 comment :

  1. Awe Sophie, I am sorry to hear you were dealing with so much stress... it is definitely good to take a break from time to time... and I am so glad you found out the truth that so many people love you and the importance of all your family and friends xox


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