Sunday 20 March 2016

Hey guys,

Welcome to another episode of my random Sunday rants. I actually said that to a friend of mine one time, and she said your random Sunday rants are what I always look forward to every weekend. Did that make me feel good? Sure as hell!..even though I felt washed and clean lol.

I'm thankful that people actually look forward to reading my posts even when I feel like I make no sense some times. Thanks to you my readers for sticking around with me. Much love from a heart of gratitude.

I don't know if you've ever been around an elderly woman for a while but women do have a high tresh hold for pain I must say. It is no wonder they are classified 'weak but yet strong'.

I was in the kitchen yesterday evening with my mum and macho of a brother when something amazing happened. My mum decided to make a large pot of zobo, being that we haven't had some in a while, and my brother decided to join us in the kitchen. Half way through the preparation, my mum decided to reduce the water from the boiling pot, hence, she lifted the pot from the fire with her bare hands, took it towards the sink which was a distance away and returned the pot back on fire after reducing the water.

A few minutes later, the zobo was ready and she needed to transfer it into another pot. My brother decided to be of use to her by lifting the pot off the fire and taking it towards the sink like she did. Half way through, he already started reacting to the pain from the hotness of the pot and he dropped it rashly on the table close to the sink which resulted in a splash on his body. Luckily, it wasn't anything major.

I found it amazing that my mum could lift off the hot pot, walk to the sink and back, without reacting to the pain or dropping the pot, wherass, my brother couldn't. What was the difference? One was strong, the other was tough.


Most people, often confuse toughesss with strength, thinking that being strong is automatically the same as being tough, when in fact, they are two distinct qualities.

Someone is tough when he/she has been through several challenges and obstacles, and has been able to overcome over time. You find out that for each pain you bare, your threshold towards pain increases. You become stronger, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. A strength from within, which is constantly renewed, is the strength we need. It is no wonder that God puts us through tests and series of challenges to toughen us up.

Life is a journey full of obstacles and only the strong in heart can overcome. Never shy away from little discomforts cause they are necessary to keep you moving through the storms when they finally come. And if you ever need to hit the gym for a body build up, never forget to take your mind and spirit along with you cause truely, it's not about the muscles.

Have a blessed week ahead!..:)


  1. This is true Sophie, every challenge that we overcome gives us more strength to handle the next ones. I'm going through a crazy big one right now, try to gain that strength to overcome... Hopefully I find that strength... have a great week ahead xox ♡

  2. You do make a whole lot of sense in your writing and this is a typical example. Really nice write up..your analogies are great and reading them fills me with positivity. Well done soph.x

  3. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Impressive

  4. Lolz it's truly not about the muscles..


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