Friday 10 October 2014

Hey Guys!

Thank God it’s Friday. I don’t know if it’s just me but it feels like the weekend was just yesterday and it’s here again. Well, thanks to the federal government for declaring Monday and Tuesday public holidays (as per sallah things). I hope you all took part in the ‘Sallah meat downing festival’ cuz trust me, you dulled if you didn’t. I love the fact that I live in an estate and I am surrounded by neighbors of mixed tribes and different religions who take their time to study their fellow neighbors and know just how to spoil them a little.wink*. A knock on the door last weekend ushered in the first set of pounded yam and soup with greatly garnished Eran lleya (sallah meat) and drinks. You can imagine what 3 knocks must have led to. Anyways, onto the matter of the day. 

 I have been asked a couple of times since I moved back to Nigeria about how it’s like or rather, how it’s been like since I moved back, if things have changed, remained the same or gotten worse and many more. I cannot say I have all the answers to all the questions, but one thing I know for sure is that I really do miss living in the Uk and I would like to share a few things I miss about living in the UK. Oh! and by the way, I lived in the Uk for 4 years. Not much, but yeah!

The number one thing I really miss is:


 I miss my Irokotv sooooo much I know why I am stressing it:-(. Back in the Uk, IrokoTV was the life. I watched unlimited you tube videos, browsed the net 24/7, skyped like no man’s business and basically lived on the internet. But now, I struggle to buy data, watch videos, download movies and the most painful bit, I struggle to skype my friends.:(.


NYSC especially, has really made me miss this aspect of the Uk. The long disorganized queues, the stressful registration and clearing processes, in fact, checkout my NYSC experienceAlmost everything in the UK is organized, starting from the building structures to the transport systems, to the schools, to the banks, to the queues, to the malls, firms, organizations you name it!. People are always on time to events and appointments. Nothing like Naija or African timing. See this post. If you miss your appointment, my dear, just go back to bed cuz there is nothing like “oga please’’ or ‘sir, I can explian’ you would just get this response “Am afraid darling, but that's none of my business” .


I miss the fact that people respect themselves and mind their businesses in the UK. You can actually see a couple in the UK walking and holding hands, probably waits, or even being so intimate on the streets in broad day light and people just keep passing by like they were invincible. My dear, please try that on the streets of naij in broad day light and see the amount of mopes you get from mopers. You can actually walk freely down the road without someone trying to make a 360 degrees head turn to you or someone trying to stop you or talk to you. No offence sha, but Nigerians need to win an award in moping.


I miss the fact that you can go out at any time of the day and come in without having to sneak in or cook up some funny stories as to why you were 5 minutes behind your normal curfew. Since I got back to Naij, I've been answering questions like where have you been, why was your phone switched off, what car just dropped you off, why did it take you 10 minutes to arrive when the cinema is just 5 minutes away and many more. Well, I don’t blame them. And with the way Nigeria is or rather, has become, with the booko harams and bombings here and there, no one needs to tell you to develop a love for indoor activities.


I miss the fact that I could walk into a store, try on a dress even though I have no plans of buying it and take pictures in them secretly. I also miss playing with make up in places like mac and boots and also spraying perfumes in the mall before going school.


Naij has deprived me the joy of having to sleep in a quiet environment without the noise from about 5 peoples generators at the same time. The pollution too hasn’t been healthy at all. The stress and money to buy fuel/diesel is a major struggle. Even the gen knows that we have to manage fuel sometimes. I miss the fact that there is nothing like “No power” or water in the UK. You have a steady supply of light and water 24/7.


Chips is one thing I could have for breakfast, lunch and dinner without getting bored of it. I am particularly a lover of fried foods especially fried yam with some mad ass sauce..Yummy!!.. I developed this love for fish and chips during my stay in the UK and since I moved back, I have missed it more often than not. I also miss Maysum, Peachekins and Redhot in Nottingham. I miss those 7 pounds chinese buffets in notts.  I feel sad each time I remember those days when Paul, Ify and I (my study buddies) would leave school during exam period just to go to red hot for some nice treat. But then, I know I cant have that here all the time so I try to console myself with Garri and soup lol.

Above all,


Some times I just sit and think of the old times, the fun times, the struggles through Uni, the challenges, the good times, the bad times, the ugly times, the drama and everything and I remember my friends, the church, the people who always gave me hope when all was lost, people who  always motivated me when my ginger was cold, people who always gave their shoulders for my tears, people who would always boost my spiritual life when its low,  people who would always be friends despite the distance, time and age.

I hope you enjoy your weekend guys!! feel free to leave a comment! :).

1 comment :

  1. LOL yh I did a lot of those back then..I would spray perfumes, mix them, try on some clothes, take pictures and all sorts.. Shopping in jand is pretty fun for me and sure you shuld go visiting some time..:)


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