Monday 18 January 2016

Someone once said to me that ; 'the only thing I notice about you, is your smile'. As a matter of fact, that statement has been a constant chant to my ears and as much as I'm unsure if that should be taken as a compliment, I'd like to simply take it as one lol.

Smiling is one thing I find hard to comes almost always and all the, it gets very contagious, you might never be able to contain it.

I believe the simple act of smiling does far more than making you look friendly and approachable. It can change your life and the lives of those around you. So even in a simple day, I always manage to respond with a smile. I have a lot of motivation to smile but here are 80 random reasons why you always see me smiling.

  1. I'm blessed
  2. I'm loved
  3. Family
  4. Friends
  5. Kids
  6. Pictures
  7. Food
  8. Blogging
  9. Chatting
  10. Icecream
  11. Chocolate
  12. Cuddling
  13. Flowers
  14. Music
  15. Movies
  16. Making new friends
  17. Reading new books
  18. Red lipsticks
  19. Bubble baths
  20. Long walks
  21. Full moon
  22. Love letters
  23. Good dreams
  24. Good hair day
  25. Rainbows
  26. Inspirational words
  27. Couples
  28. Clothes
  29. Happy memories
  30. God's words
  31. Being tickled
  32. Art
  33. Answered prayers
  34. Birds singing
  35. Sunrise
  36. Day dreaming
  37. Hugs
  38. Adventures
  39. Second chances
  40. Butterflies
  41. Stars
  42. Vintage wall papers
  43. Colours
  44. Afternoon naps
  45. Early morning sleep
  46. Evening showers
  47. Weddings
  48. Proposals
  49. Falling in love
  50. Cozy blankets
  51. favours from God
  52. Making up
  53. Giving
  54. Sharing
  55. Singing
  56. New beginnings
  57. Lessons
  58. Talents
  59. Perfumes
  60. Dress up
  61. Having a massage
  62. Painting my toe nails
  63. Memories
  64. Old folks
  65. Puppies
  66. Kittens
  67. Imperfections
  68. Being forgiven
  69. Reunions
  70. Aww moments
  71. Mother's advice
  72. Finding money in my bag
  73. Beautiful beings
  74. Getting a ride
  75. Facing my fears
  76. Overcoming a challenge
  77. Kindness from a stranger
  78. New skill
  79. green grass
  80. Jesus loves me

So what's yours? Share with me the reasons behind your smile. :D

1 comment :

  1. @ 18 and 72! Red Lipstick and Finding money in my Bag... hehehehe oh Gang!! You just gotta Love Sophie.. You just caNNot but Love her! As this child is Bae to the Tee Biko.. :)

    Sophie oh Sophie.. Your beauty on here always and i iterate ALWAYS makes my heart skip at least 2 Beats.. :) xx Blessings Baby mi!


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