
Sunday 24 July 2016

There was something so different about that particular shot. Whether it was the angle with which it was taken, the background, the pose that was struck, the lighting or just the picture quality,.. I just couldn't explain it!. It was different. Different from the normal smiley, picture perfect portrait. I saw an image..an image that had been refined in the most beautiful way, an image that had been patched and mended from years of brokenness, pain, bitterness,...an image that had stumbled and risen countless times, an image that had known strength through years of struggles, laughter through years of tears and joy through years of pain. An image that pulled up the past and present in one shot, an image that radiated so much glory and transformation at the same time. I saw that image with so much love in my eyes and joy in my heart. I was proud of the lady I had become, thankful for the things God had let me go through, and in that moment, I knew I had been captured. I was captured by grace.


  1. That is wonderful Sophie... I wish I could get to that point and be grateful for all the trials I have gone through that brought me to where I am today. You are a very wise young lady xox ♡♡♡

  2. Really beautiful post Sophie..u good!

  3. Awwwww this really touched me, especially because I can relate..xx

  4. Beautiful post! You looked gorgeous too.


  5. Very beautiful indeed..xx

  6. Your blog tho..Amazing!!!

  7. Even my attention is captured. Omg the image is a 3D shot of success.
    Now I know the S in Sophie is Successful. Keep shining in grace yo


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