Tuesday 15 September 2015

Hey guys,

How's it going? Anyone been as busy as I've been in the past week and a few days? I guess not!. Its been CRAZY, like really C-R-A-Z-Y. In all honesty, I have to struggle to find a balance cause at this point, I am pretty close to being completely off the scale and that ain't healthy at all. On a lighter note, a big shout out to those who checked up and sent in messages requesting for a blog update. It really goes a long way to show that this little space of mine, makes a little impact afterall..:D. My sincere gratitude goes out to you, my lovely readers. Thanks for staying with me :).

In light of my previous blog anniversary, I am pleased to announce that this little space of mine would be moving from a 'blogspot' to a 'dot com' in a few days. I finally got my personal domain guys..*dacing shoki*..

As much as I am really excited, I must confess that I am a bit confused as to how I can completely move this blog to my personal domain, without ruining it. I am not particularly a wizard when it comes to computers and technical stuff, but I try to make an attempt before throwing in the towel. I have done a couple of research, and I was able to find some steps as to how I can link/move my blog to my personal domain but they seem pretty long and quite complicated. Anyone done this before, or know someone who might be able to assist?Please help a sister. Leave me your contact in the comment box or better still, leave me a link that might be of help.



  1. Lol I can totally relate. May be you should try this

    I hope it helps.

  2. Lol..we are in the same boat my dear. I actually thought of doing that..but I'm quite skeptical as to how much I might be charged lol.


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