Sunday 29 March 2015

Hey darlings

Happy sunday. How was your weekend? Did you guys go out to vote? For me, I was locked in, all cuddled up in my cozy cushy bed, eating and watching movies like it was the creepy annual purge. To be honest, I could really careless about elections right now. All that matters to me, is peace and that's what we need.

Its amazing how kids of nowadays can be so smart. I was talking to my neighbor on Friday about some certain issues that had been bothering her for some time, while we were doing our fire wood cooking outside. They are very traditional, so they do a lot of cooking with big pots and fire wood. The kids were chatting and playing around the corner, when at some point in our conversation, my neighbor said something. I don't really remember how she said it but I know she said something like 'I hate feeling broken'. One of the kids turned and said "mummy why don't you like feeling broken? You always break the fire woods into tiny bits before you use them. Isn't it because the broken ones are stronger than the bigger woods?
This made us laugh a bit but then, I saw the wisdom in the words of that 5-years old.

I remembered my chemistry class - 'a larger surface area speeds up the rate of chemical reaction" and that made me realize that sometimes, we've got to be completely broken, in other to speed up certain reactions in our lives. It is no doubt that God is closer to the heart broken, though, it may seem like he's so far away. He knows the pain, sees the tears and feels the grief. But there is another type of broken-ness. It is a broken spirit and a contrite heart. A heart devoid of pride and bitterness, a heart that appreciates His grace and sovereignty, a heart that is shattered, has surrendered and has reached the point where it says, “Lord, I am nothing without you!. This is the state of being 'completely' broken.

A testimony was once shared by my pastor at church. He said that before he became a pastor, each time he did something bad, and knew that God was mad at him, he would try to "clean up his act" by giving more, praying more, or getting busy with other religious activities, in hopes that God will finally "get over" being mad at him. But he realized that each time he prayed, it felt like his prayers dint get passed his ceiling. This went on for years. He kept getting involved in religious activities, making donations, giving arms and many more. But still, the one thing he'd been praying for, for years, never came until he realized that a contrite heart and a broken spirit was all God needed. And until he got into the state of being completely broken, his prayers were never heard nor answered.

Sometimes, we pray and wonder why our prayers aren't being answered or why there's so much delay but most times, it could be that God is only waiting for us to be in that state of broken-ness which together with a contrite heart, speeds up the rate of reaction.

My prayer today is that, He continues to give us the grace to remain in a state of complete broken-ness and when He searches, may He find our hearts contrite and ready to receive Him.

Have a nice week.


  1. We truly are closer to our Heavenly Father when we are broken... unfortunately it seems like we learn better and are more open. . .

    1. Lol the book would be an intresting read. Have a lovely week hun..xx

  2. Wow. This was really inspiring. The things kids say sometimes ehn, we should listen to them more


    1. Lol I know right! I learn a lot from them these days..some times I wonder what happened to me in my own days lol.

  3. Blog maravilhoso amei, ótima postagem, tenha uma semana abençoada
    Curta e siga o meu canal:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xZdo8xMv34


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