Monday 1 September 2014

Apart from the deep ministries and heart warming feeling I get during praise and worship at church, I enjoy tapping into other peoples blessings *wink*. I was really inspired by Mr Fredrick's testimony.

Growing up for me was really rough, I grew up from a broken home. My both parents where separated at a young age and so I resorted to staying with a relative who constantly abused me physically and otherwise. I kept praying for my parents to get back and for the abuse to stop. But when this didn't happen, I grew to despise going to church or having anything to do with it. I started to develop a rebellious feeling towards God, family and friends. The anger kept building up.
As I grew older, I had to numb my pain, I resorted to gambling, drugs and pornography. I also became a heavy drinker and smoker. After high school, I had lost every interest in going to the university. I stopped doing drugs for a while but then resumed after about a year. I started working in a club as a bar tender, drugs and alcohol were readily available. My career and lifestyle fed my addictions. At 28, I decided to settle down as I thought that would give me a sense of responsibility and help in overcoming my addictions but that wasn't the case for me. My addictions where still very much in control. It had gotten worse I developed a terrible illness that almost took my life. I was arrested a couple of times for different crimes one of which was my numerous drug dealings. My wife left me, I had no friends, no family to talk to but I dint think I was the one with a problem. I thought everyone else had a problem with me. I was finally left alone with God (which was what i needed). During one of my stays  in prison, for the first time in years, I began to pray and read the bible. I attended a prison church service where I had an encounter with God. During this service, an alter call was made, I was reluctant to go but after thinking of all that I had lost and the life I would have lost due to my illness, I realized I was given a second chance at life so I took "the step" and a prayer was made that changed my life. Joy filled my heart, I felt so much peace like never before, a peace that has lacked since my childhood, I had been delivered from my addictions. I began taking treatments from good treatment centers, my stay in jail was reduced, and after my release, I decided to get a degree in theology and since then, I have been leading a church prison ministry being FREE from all my addictions. 

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