Monday 5 January 2015

Hey darlings.

What's gwanning? How has 2015 been so far? I guess reality came back too fast. Anyone resumed work yet? I need to really tap into some inspiration here cuz I'm not about that work life just yet. The transition from holiday mode to work mode is rather too apathetic and saddening please help a sister with some ginger, I promise, it'll be much appreciated thank you :D.

So my mum turned 38 48 three days ago, *rings the bell* too bad I'm putting this up late but like I always say, its better late than never.

My queen.

A few days to her birthday, I wondered what I could do differently as I always buy gifts which contribute to her excess stuff that eventually gets reclaimed by me in the end. I wanted something more simple, creative and thoughtful. So, I decided to make her breakfast in bed, got her a little cake and wrote her a poem. In addition to those, I thought it'll be nice to say a few things I love about her and share some wonderful lessons she's taught me in her 48 years on earth. Hence, I came up with 40 things mama taught me and 8 things I love about her. So here it goes.


1) You are never too old to need your mum. You'll always be that little child to her

2) You are never too old to be corrected and cautioned when you're wrong

3) Never depend on a man but don't be too independent as a woman

4) There is extra strength in every woman, you just have to reach deep and find it

5) Hope for the best, plan for the worst

6) save for the rainy day

7) Always look good to everywhere. You never know where you might find Mr Right

8) Don't attempt to blend, strive to stand out

9) Take care of your body you only have one.

10) Its better to be over dressed than under dressed

11) Never let your guard down

12) Think highly of yourself

13) If you want something done well, do it yourself

14) Money isn't plucked from trees

15) You have to be a fool to be wise

16) In all things, apply wisdom

17) Always wear a clean underwear you never know when you might get in an accident

18) It is important to make your kids your best friend

19) Anything worth doing is worth doing well

20) Fashion/style is important but let it be decent and God appealing

21) Chest out/stand properly else, you'll end up with a bad posture

22) Shuffling your feet as a lady is unattractive

23) Treat others the way you want to be treated

24) See the good in people

25) Know which battles are worth fighting

26) Pursue your dreams

27) Be flexible with your choices

28) Accept what you cannot change and move on

29) Obedience is better than sacrifices

30) Marriage is not a race. When your time comes it comes

31) Be strong during the storm cuz it'll definitely come

32) Never worship a man except he's your husband

33) No one is born a great cook, one learns by cooking.

34) Multitasking is not an option

35) Cleanliness is next to Godliness

36) Don't pile dishes, wash them as your cooking. It saves you time and leaves no room for laziness.

37) Don't be too open with your life, not everyone you share your tales with are true. Choose your friends wisely.

38) Be able to take blame when you're wrong

39) Don't always ask for credit when you do something right.

40) Prayer is always the key.

         8 Things I love about her

1) I love that she's wise and tough

2) I love that she's a hard worker

3) I love that she always goes out of her way to make her loved ones happy even if it means sacrificing her happiness

4) I love the way she's worked so hard to see my brothers and I come this far

5) I love that its so hard to get mad at her even when she tries so hard to get on your nerves..she's too cute like that.

6) I love that she raised us in the fear of God and never for once did she spare that rod

7) I love that she once referred to "pissed off" as "pissed up" and "what's app" as "what's up" lol

8) I love that she's my number 1 and biggest fan, my mentor, my confidant, my hero, my role model, my turn-to person when my world comes crushing down, the first person I call when things are going great, the list is endless.

I am so blessed to have this woman in my life. I've probably said this before - you are my queen, my angel on earth. Thank you for always always being there when no one else was, thank you for loving me and making my happiness your priority. I treasure you, mother, and I love you more than life itself. You are a WOMAN and A HALF, very brave and strong. You are an Amazing soul, ever ready to sacrifice everything for those you love, always open to different opinions, so compassionate and kind. You have always taught and led by example. I hope and pray you break 100 with good health and a strong mind. There will never be a day when I wont need you. I am here for you too.

Happy happy birthday mum. You sure make the world  better place.

Love you always. 


  1. Aww bless her soul. Happy birthday to her in areas.

  2. Mamas are the best... almost made me cry. Your mum is beautiful sha...kai. see fine woman. Happy belated birthday to ur mum

  3. awwww1saw my self standing straight and chesting out.lolz
    wish i could write all these for my mum ......
    lovely piece


  4. Aww Happy Belated to your Mom! My moms bday is this Sat :)...Your mom seems like a very wise women..great advised from her! Thanks again for stopping by my blog! :)


    1. Thank you dear..aww happy birthday to her in advance..they are all aging gracefully..may God grant them long life, peace, prosperity and joy unspeakable..Amen!


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