Saturday 24 January 2015

Hey lovelies

Happy weekend. I hope you all had a good week cuz I dint. Well, not deeply, but for the most part. This week was one hell of a stressful one for me. I was more or less juggling work and relocation and it wasn't even sexy at all cuz I was a bit disorganised but we thank God for the weekend. At least, I could get myself more organised and also rest as much as I can, even though I may never really get enough sleep to make up for the stress. Also, I've been hearing this postponement bants concerning the elections and its not really pleasant to my ears or what do you guys think? February 14th or nah?

Anyways, while you think about that, let me introduce you to a special lady, one I love so much, filled with dignity and principles, a lady of substance and virtue, a friend, a sister, a support system on its own, a comforter, a source of inspiration, a beautiful soul, a gifted mind, a writer and a Singer: Miss Olaedo.

Ola was one of the first girls I met 8 years ago and thought to my self "oh wow! she must be a barbie". She was so cute and cuddly at first sight. Though, she was a bit shy and quiet. I still remember what she wore on the very first day to school: A white tank top with a cute yellow half jacket/hoodie over it, a white three quarter pants and what I called the "rope-rope sandals" lol. Trust me when I say she was really cute. What really drew me to her was her heart. She was so kind hearted and down to earth + she was one person I could really relate with on a personal level. We were very alike and similar (character wise), + we shared a lot together: our dreams and aspirations, our likes and dislikes our family bants, our foods, money, lip glosses and many more. What marvelled me the most about this young lady was her VOICE. It was BEAUTIFUL just like her. I never knew about her gift until one very day when she was called out to the front of the class by one of our teachers (after we were caught gisting while lectures was on I think), and was asked to sing to the class as her punishment (knowing she was the shy type)lol. It turned out we begged for her punishment to be prolonged. Her voice was AMAZING!! (I still can't get enough of it) . And you know the funny part? The sang song was actually amazing grace.

To cut the long story short, Ola has decided to take on her singing career after several backs and forth and I am super excited about it..Woop! Woop!. Her first album (soon to be released), is titled "Shine like gold" and its basically about life and our day-to-day living. It focuses on purity in all areas of our lives and encourages us to be patient while being refined, defined and burnt cuz in the end, we'll definitely shine like gold.

Please visit her Facebook page here  and give your likes. Also look out for her first music video which would be coming out real soon. And don't worry, I'll keep you guys updated.

Before I end this post, I would like to say Tuface was right when he said we are all gifted and unique in our different ways. You know some times, we feel we have nothing to give to the world or nothing to offer, we feel like our gifts and talents aren't good enough to be used, more worse, we feel like we're just out to exist and enjoy other peoples talents rather than have them enjoy ours. I have felt exactly the same way myself. But one thing I have realized is that; for every man God created, he gave a talent. Sometimes, they are apparent and accessible. Other times, they are cloaked and you have to reach deep, find them and develop them. What ever the case, you have it in you. So, Search deep within today and make good use of your gifts cuz that's why your daddy gave them to you.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend..:)

1 comment :

  1. Yh Sophie, we are all gifted and unique in our own diffrent ways


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