Saturday 31 January 2015

I woke up this morning in a very unusual way. It felt like I had been sleeping for about 20 hours and I was bored. It was still very early to begin my morning routine, so I decided to go through some old pictures on my laptop and then, I stumbled upon a throwback from my brother's high school graduation

I still remember the joy I felt on that day and the look on everyone's face when he was called out, not only to receive his diploma as a graduate, but to receive the social responsibilities award, as he had successfully balanced his numerous school responsibilities and his academic life. It was a look of astonishment and delight all together. He had made it and beyond.

Prior to that particular day, he had undergone a minor surgery where his index finger had been slit open as a result of a deep infection that had affected his collateral ligament at his distal phalanx, and was required to be taken out. This was a traumatic injury and this was his final semester in his final year. He had extra credits to make up in other to graduate, projects, course works, presentations and all those deadlines that came with final year, along with other school responsibilities and compulsory extracurricular activities. More worse, he had missed a couple of classes during his surgery period and his final exams were just a few weeks away.

How was he going to do all these in so little time? His teachers were worried, his friends were worried, everyone was worried. He was advised to postpone his graduation and take his time rather than risk working under pressure at the expense of his health. But he insisted otherwise, and to everyone's wonderment, he graduated successfully and even won an award. When asked how he was able to pull it through regardless of his situation, he replied with two words : STAY POSITIVE.

In life yeah, we face a lot of challenges ranging from the loss of a Job or a position to job hunting, financial crisis, family issues, marital problems, academic challenges, parental issues, pressure from work and all sorts. And most times, we believe that the solution is to work and pray, which of course are great, but we forget the hand that actually lights the match that sets the bush on fire: ATTITUDE.

Attitude is everything. You cannot pray or work to get a positive outcome without a positive mindset/attitude. And if you haven't noticed that we live in a negative world, then you haven't really been paying attention. Situations will discourage you, people will laugh and mock you, friends will send negative energies your way and over time, the pressures of the world, if allowed, can steal the love and joy from your life which would eventually lead to a negative outcome.

So in all our works and prayers, let's not forget that the battle is won and lost in the mind. STAY POSITIVE.

1 comment :

  1. Turn up Turn Up Ladies and gentlemen.. this utterly confused and crazy 23 year old human being is in the Building fam.. Okayyy.. Bubba you see ehn, in my 23 years, 2 months, and 22 days of living yeah, i am learning that it is only the strong that survive.. Not the wise, not the smart, not the beautiful but the Strong.. The strong in character, in faith, in believe, in hope and in Grind.. Life is a bitch, (Pardon my terms bubba) but she screws us all without protection, and lives us on the road side naked and bare plus with child.. Now we dunno what that child will be, male or female, strong or weak, wise or dumb, fair or black.. but baby mi, i am learning to take what life gives to me and make the best outta it, I am learning to cry when the pressure gets to me, to get drunk to alleviate my pain and subdue my confusions, to indulge in my shenanigans to looses focus of my pain, to hold on to family and love when i need to heal, and to kneel and pray to GOD when all hope seems lost.. That is how my confused self sees life. Life is teaching me so.. Truly your Brother looks like a strong man, and like the Onyibo people say yeah, ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE.

    Ooosssshhhey Sophie toh sure, inspiring us one thought at a time since 1992 and beyond.. heheheh **In Falz the bad guys voice.. #ElloBae! I wanna be like thee when I grow up #Bae.. Your wisdom leaves me amazed #Bae! you are Bubba. Cheers. :). P.S: happy new month to all S.I Readers...


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