Sunday 1 February 2015

Hey guys,

Its February! Happy new month folks. I hope you all enjoyed January even though It fills like it just went by so fast. Anyways, February is here now, and the elections are pretty close. Anyone getting a bit nervous? Don't worry, God's got it.

Remember when I attended the toast master's international which happens to be my new club? I won a book titled: The way of the wizard, Twenty spiritual lessons for creating the life you want by Deepak Chopra and I promised I was going to share some of the lessons as I go along but I figured it was best to just read it, and then give a general review.

So here it goes.


In this book, Deepak Chopra uses the metaphor of Merlin raising the future King Arthur in the Crystal cave to teach the reader 20 lessons that will transform the reader's life.

Each lesson or chapter is divided into three sections. The first section tells a story where Arthur learns his lesson from Merlin. The second section is understanding the lesson where the teaching is given further explanation. The third section is called Living the lesson which is how to apply the teaching to daily life and the final chapter teaches the 7 steps of alchemy. They are a nutshell summary of all that Merlin taught Arthur.


What I really found interesting about it, was the way the spiritual lessons were interwoven in a mystical setting and I had to sorta unwind and summarize the lessons using a christian setting which was how I was able to relate till the end. Though, it was a genre of philosophy and spirituality hence, there were some lessons that dint quite seem true or make sense to me. But oh well!, I stuck to my own christian setting and wrote down the lessons in my christian opinion.

Lesson 1

“A Wizard exists in all of us. This wizard sees and knows everything. It possesses the secret of immortality.”

There is a God and he dwells in us as we were created in his image and likeness. He sees and knows every thing about us as it is said in Hebrews 4:13: Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is covered and laid bare before the eyes of him whom we must give account.

Lesson 2

“The return of the magical can only happen with the return of innocence.”

Just like a child, the world looks so beautiful and through its eyes, every moment is magical. But as it grows old and looses its innocence, the world becomes a hard reality and its perception of life begins to change. But until we learn to see the world through the eyes of a child, life may never be magical.

Lesson 3

“The scenery changes, the seer remains the same.”

We are the scenery and God is the seer. The only all-knowing view is God’s. Man is a distinct and willful creature who can perceive correctly or incorrectly. Our perceptions, can either through intuition or through rationality both be equally flawed.  Yet the rational is dependable enough, through which God can communicate objective truth to us in history and through the rational mind.

Lesson 4

“It is your destiny to play an infinity of roles, but these roles are not yourself.”

You have the ability to be whoever you want and do what ever you want through christ. For it is said in Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through christ who strengthens me. So therefore, we can play any role not by our power or might, but by the abounding grace of God.

Lesson 5

“Wizards don’t believe in death.”

There is life after death and it is eternal.

Lesson 6

“The wizard’s consciousness is field that exists everywhere. The streams of knowledge contained in the field are eternal and flow forever”

God is eternal and all-knowing, in Whom is all wisdom and knowledge.

Our goal is an objective knowledge of truth and a relationship with God.  We are finite and are not all-present or all-knowing.  God entered the world in the person of Jesus Christ that we might know Him, the only true, omniscient, and immortal God.

Lesson 7

“When the doors of perception are cleansed, you will begin to see the unseen world.”

Purification is a moral and real predicament of humanity. When our hearts are purified and sanctified, only then can we begin to experience God in greater and wonderful ways.

Lesson 8

“The seat of power  is in the inner self.”

Love is self-acceptance and setting aside the physical ego to discover the true self within. Through this, one experiences the power of love. To be in tune with the huge inner force of your true inner being is to be carried away in the true power of self.  This deep inner awareness of unity and of realization of being a privileged child of the God is the power of love.

Lesson 9

“Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.”

Ask and it shall be given.

Lesson 10

“We all have a shadow self that is a part of our total reality. When the shadow self is embraced, it can be healed. When it is healed, it turns into love.”

Inside of us, many different concepts of who we are compete to have life.  Learn to embrace the shadow self inside whom you may have imprisoned. Through breath control we can contact the competing personalities within us and the memories from our past. We can release old energies and negative judgments and feelings of guilt and heal our true shadow self.

Lesson 11

“The wizard is the teacher of alchemy. Alchemy is transformation.”

God transforms man through His love and grace;  our hope for transformation is to walk with God.

Lesson 12

“Order is another face of chaos, chaos is another face of order. Human order is made of rules. The wizard’s order has no rules—it flows with the nature of life.”

God has ordered life and oversees it for a purpose. Life brings with it things that are hard to understand. There are events in our lives that are hard to discern for purpose.  Yet God has revealed His purpose to those who seek Him and look with wisdom.  We can observe truth and principles from which we can make rules to help us live. God Himself has spoken to us rules that explain His goodness and rightness.

Lesson 13

“The reality you experience is a mirror image of your expectations.”

The visible world is real, but is not all there is. There is also an invisible world. It can be misconstrued as our perceptions may be misconstrued.  There is an objective reality we should not escape from into the world of  our imaginations and possibilities, but we should deal with the facts of our human existence.  There is another spiritual dimension to this world, just as man is more than his body, but also is spirit.

Lesson 14

“Wizards do not grieve over loss, because the only thing that can be lost is the unreal.”

The soul is real and lives on after death.

Lesson 15

“The purest love lies where it is least expected.”

Love is a true denial of self, it includes the love of enemies, even those who have in reality deeply harmed us.

Lesson 16

“A wizard exists simultaneously in all times."

God is not limited by time or space.

Lesson 17

"Spiritual truth is a series of clues into the mystery of life."

 God does work in our lives and there is meaning in the details and daily events of our lives.  But we cannot interpret events in any way we please.  The basic truths of life have been revealed to us by God about Who He is and the nature of man and the world.

Lesson 18

“Spirit wants to meet you. To accept its invitation, you must be undefended.”

To try to live above morals and law and evil is a deception. The solution to evil is not denial, but to resist evil and to seek goodness, forgiveness, kindness and grace.

Lesson 19

“Wizards never condemn desires.  It was by following their desires that they became wizards.”

Desires must be evaluated as good or evil. One might desire his neighbor’s possessions or wife. To act upon those desires would be evil. To use base desires as a way of learning to desire higher things is a deception. To fulfill desires will never satisfy those desires, but will create a larger hunger for more.

Lesson 20

“The most good you can do for the world is to become a wizard.

Walk in the way of the God. You are one with the earth and must join your spirit to her. You are a person, but you are also a part of the earth itself.  Know this and walk at one with the spirit of God.

So that's it guys!

1 comment :

  1. Hmmm...some real thinking and uncurling went into this on your part. Welldone ans thanks for sharing.

    The most good you can do to the world is to become a god and that only happens when we become sons of the Living God. As Christians we do a lot of good to the world with our love nature, meekness and gentleness of our Lord Jesus.


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