Saturday 28 February 2015

Hey guys!

Its the 15 for 15 monthly challenge again! and for this month, we have the beautiful Toin, popularly known as toinlicious in the house today. She's one of the coolest bloggers I know. Her blog posts are usually randomly random, yet very captivating and absorbing. I love the way she spices up her content with humor, whilst still stating her point and having her messages spot on.

I am really excited and pleased to have you in the house today Toin, and I would love to start by saying thank you for being my guest.

Now unto the questions of the day:

1) How would you describe yourself in five words? 

Bubbly, chatty, adventurous, resourceful and intelligent.

2) Any interesting childhood memories/experiences? 

Oh, this interview would be longer than it should if I start on that but erm maybe the day I locked myself in my dad's wardrobe because I wanted to eat biscuit without his consent would be one.

3) What was the strangest punishment your parents ever gave you? 

My parents aren't "punishers". My dad is more of a talk-your-ears-off-so-you'll-learn-your-lesson type while my mom was the one-smack-to-reset-you type

4) What's a typical day for you like? 

For weekdays, very boring I tell you. I wake-up and I always try to get more sleep, eventually force (yea, force) myself out of bed. I get ready for work, get to work, do my bit, get back home, cook, watch or read something then sleep. Then I do it all over again. Oh, and I'm that girl who dances in the car while driving (I promise I'm not crazy...well, not too crazy...just a lil bit)

5) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


6) What are the three things you cannot live without? 

Love, friends and family. They are mostly mutually exclusive.

7) What's your take on first impressions? Is it okay to judge at first or nah?

 Nah. I've had some not very good first impressions and I'd like to have a re-do so yea, judge not.

8) Has any movie or book made a huge impact on you? If yes, Which and how? 

Way too many. I started reading when I was like 10years old.

9) Which are 3 physical features you often get complimented on?

 In trying to keep it clean, i'll say the Lips, smile and hair.

10) What has been the highlight of the year so far? 

A project that had been on my neck and i was able to complete it last week.

11) What's the best and worst gift you've ever gotten? 

The best gift I have at the moment is the gift of love and family.

12) What would you do if you won a lottery? 

I'll scream *akpos' voice* their father!!!!

13) A lot of people say different things about marriage. What's your take? 

I'm not married so I'd rather learn from those who are.

14) What are your thoughts about Nigeria? 

Depressing but hopeful.

15) What's your most embarrassing moment? 

Lool Please I'm not about to out myself on here. We'll do this in camera, thanks.

16) Would you rather regret doing something or not? 

Not. I'd rather do than regret not doing.

I guess that would be all for today. Thank you Toin, it was nice having you on board :)

Toin is a Nigerian blogger who's all about love, life, humor and inspirations.

Follow her @Toinlicious.blogspot.com for more of those and,

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. :)

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