Sunday 10 May 2015

Hey guys,

So I'm we're live on the radio this week with Naija life, on 92.9 kapital FM Abuja, Friday afternoon, 3.30pm prompt. Please tune in for some nice interesting radio series which entails a fun radio drama and only lasts for about 10-12 minutes long. Don't be late guys cos you just might miss it.

Lately, I've been using a simple strategy to help make a few healthy changes in my life and so, I thought to share it with you.

Usually, we tend to make choices, set new goals, make major decisions, meet deadlines, change old habits, make new rules, implement new ideas and face new challenges. But two questions you should ask yourself when taking an important action or decision should be this:

what would my old self do? 

What would my new self do?

I would imagine the best answer to be an action from the 'new self' to take a new step or fly to new heights but then again, I might be wrong so correct me if I am. Take for instance, your old self, whilst in search of a job, would normally sit at home and send out loads and loads of resumes in hopes of getting one positive feedback but nothing ever comes through. However, you discover that by asking questions, your new self would rather go out and network which of course, stands a better chance of yielding a positive result. Now, let's get back to me.

A 'typical me' loves the word 'YES' why?, Because I have a hard time saying 'NO', not just to others, but also to myself.

Recently however, I discovered that saying 'yes' to everything, all the time, was making me more of a people-pleaser and less of myself. On one occasion, I was surpassingly busy with work and had planned that instantly after work, I was just going to head home and hit the sacs being that I was going to get home pretty late from a hectic day. Shortly before the close of work, I got a call from a friend asking if I could go pick up a parcel that had arrived in her absence and needed to be received on her behalf. I knew I was going to be closing late, exhausted from all the day's work, with more work the following day, and yet, I just couldn't get myself to say 'no' as I felt obligated to say otherwise, so I don't com off as being mean or wicked. I set out to pick the parcel and on getting there, it turned out she had sent someone else to pick up the parcel just in case I decided to disappoint her. To make matters worse, the parcel in question were two little makeup kits which had been forgotten at a friend's house over a party weekend. I felt really stupid and disappointed in myself that I had to go all the way, irrespective of the state in which I was and the distance involved, for not even an important document but for a makeup kit. I ended up finding a hard time locating my way back, getting everyone at home worried and having a very short night of sleep. All thanks to saying yes.      
Well, the good news is that 'NO' has been a common response for me in the past few weeks. And guess what? Its pretty easy. Saying No isn't the problem, its how you say it that is. I know that as humans, it’s easy to feel obligated to say yes to things that we’d rather turn down so that we don’t come off as cold, rude, or insulting.

But when done well, saying no can be far from mean, especially when we use the friendly 'no' responses like: 'Not this way' 'Not right now' or 'No thank you'. Its not the 'word' but the 'attitude' with which you are delivering the 'word'.

My old self would rather say 'YES' to the request of shutting down this blog but my new self would say 'No thank you hunnay, you should get one yourself'. :D

What would your new self do?

Have a blessed week ahead :)


  1. Sophie, I am glad you are learning the word No... we all need to learn to say it from time to time... and of course it is in the delivery... don't apologize though, we need to take care of ourselves. I think is someone does not understand no, they are rude and not worth your time...

    Have a lovely week ahead xox

    1. Very true launna..saying no is very mandatory especially when the request in question doesn't yeild anything positive or makes you feel useful and fulfiled.. We all learn everyday and I'm glad I'm learning too..have a nice week hun xxx

  2. You always should live like you want to live, and of course, you should be the person that you want to be. All the love & good things you give come back to you someday :-*

  3. Well both saying no and saying yes go their separate ways but as you know some times we value relationships with people that we can go out of our way to please them ..
    Believe me I also have a hard time saying no..
    So it's just valuing people in your life that makes us say yes most times

    1. I totally agree with you Okala..they both go their seprate ways but too much/extreems of each is bad, I guess its best to find a balance between both.

  4. My old self will snub this post but my new self will say how much I love the post. Lol. Thanks for the inspiration Sophia.

    Heart Rays

    1. Lol..nice one Amaka...cheers to the 'new selves' in the house..xx


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